2018 release highlights

December 28, 2018 by Kelton Corcoran

2018 release highlights

About the author

Kelton Corcoran

Senior content marketing specialist

Kelton Corcoran is a senior content marketing specialist at Advicent, the financial planning technology provider of choice for nearly 100,000 financial professionals.

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2018 was a big year for NaviPlan® and featured four different releases that brought numerous new features and enhancements to our users. With the new year just around the corner, let’s take a look back at some of the highlights of our releases over the past 12 months.

For your client experience

Client portal enhancements

In our first release of 2018, we introduced the “explore your options” feature within the NaviPlan client portal. This empowers clients to analyze different tactics and develop a strategy for accomplishing their financial goals right within the portal.

Later in the year, the homepage and net worth sections of the portal were expanded to show net worth information drawing from multiple sources, giving clients greater visibility into their financial picture regardless of where they are in the financial planning process.

Lastly, we added client portal management within Presentation Module, allowing advisors who primarily work Presentation Module unhindered access to portal details.

For your firm

Client Report Editor

In our most recent release, we introduced the Client Report Editor, which allows for the creation, preview, and deployment of new presentation-ready client reports within the Client Report Console. Reports can be easily scaled up and down based on client needs with visual elements such as charts and graphs from the net worth and retirement reports. Text for these reports can be modified to more closely match a firm’s brand ton allowing advisors to deliver a for a more custom-tailored client experience.

New report types

Over the course of 2018, we introduced nine entirely new report types including:

  • Range of returns
  • Current portfolio breakdown
  • Risk tolerance analysis
  • First year detailed income tax
  • Cash flow outlook
  • Income tax timeline and timeline comparison
  • Efficient frontier
  • Detailed cash flow analysis
  • New wealth accumulation 

Continued accuracy updates

Federal and provincial tax updates

Plan accuracy remains a crucial element in our development and in 2018 we continuously updated tax calculations for both federal and provincial updates covering:

 To remain up-to-date on future NaviPlan releases follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn